Critical Analysis of CSS Essay Paper 2024

FPSC conducted Essay paper of CSS 2024 students/aspirants on 29th February 2024. In this blog, the author will critically analyze the paper and will provide the aspirants the gist and crux of each topic which will help them building ideas and arguments of any topic of their choice and better understanding.

Most of the essays in the paper are about economy, in one way or the other. Essay topics number 2, 4, 6, 8 & 9 are all closely related to economy. It is a hard fact that in contemporary times, economy is on the driving seat of world politics and it plays a decisive role in governing it. Countries that are economically backward are relegated to an inferior status and are called ‘third world countries’. They have little say in world affairs as against those economically prosperous. It is these rich nations that call the shots in global politics. Some essays like Topic no. 2 and 10 are about Pakistan’s internal politics; but having said that, it is also true that no country stands alone in today’s globalized world. Seen in this context, the CSS Essay Paper 2024 covers both internal and external aspects of policy of our country. Literary/Proverbial/Abstract essays, a nightmare for the aspirants, unlike KP PMS  2022 essay paper and somewhat CSS 2022 paper, is represented only by the first topic which is purely a creative one.

The striking part of the paper as ever is that none of the issues that affect the nation most severely, any nation for that matter in fact, have been totally ignored. These may include:

(i) The judiciary’s role in destroying Pakistan’s democracy
(ii) Military’s Role in Pakistan’s politics/economy
(iii) Bureaucracy and its Controversial Role
(iv) Pakistan as a Security State
(v) Education
(vi) Neither Free Nor Fair Elections
(vii) Feudalism and its Role

The examiners/paper setters have overlooked all these and many other festering sores. Perhaps, they were too wise and swam with the tide.

Topics of CSS Essay Paper 2024

  1. Hope: The Greatest Driving Force
  2. CPEC and “Indo – Middle East – Europe”, new war fronts
  3. The power of propaganda and the Muslim world
  4. Phase out of fossil fuel and Arab Economies
  5. Pragmatism vs. Passion in politics
  6. BRICS and Pakistan: Prospects of Recovery
  7. Artificial Intelligence: The Death of Creativity
  8. Pathways to Pakistan’s Prosperity
  9. Globalization and National Economies
  10. Political Polarization; Governance and Society

What Could be Understood/Covered in the Topics of CSS 2024 Essay Paper?

  1. Hope: The Greatest Driving Force

It is a social and creative essay. It judges the student’s ability of thought and expressing it in an effective way which proves hope as the greatest driving force ever. The importance of hope in one’s life shall also be slightly touched upon too. However, great care must be taken that one must not delve into the details of its importance or the causes of why people are hopeless in the modern world as it will create nothing but absolute digression from the actual question on the topic ultimately leading to failure in the said essay. One may quote from the Holy Quran and Hadith to prove the point too. Moreover, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan’s essay “امید کی خوشی”, (The Pleasure of Hope) and Emily Dickson’s Poem “Hope is the thing with feathers – that perches in the soul” can be used as reference points as well

  1. CPEC and “Indo – Middle East – Europe”, the New War Fronts

This topic entails that wars in the future are to be fought on the economic fronts, more than the military fronts. The unveiling of IMEC (India, Middle East , Europe Corridor) in India during the G-20 meeting held in India in September 2023 speaks volumes of the fact. It aims at bunting the Chinese efforts of connecting with the whole world and minimizing its dependence on the South China Sea for its burgeoning trade which the world is wary of.

  1. The Power of Propaganda and the Muslim World

First of all, the importance and efficacy of propaganda in this technology-driven world has to be highlighted. Secondly, all those efforts and technologies used against Islam to paint it as a religion of extremism have to be enlisted and discussed at suitable length. Lastly, workable measures should be suggested to combat this spate of unwarranted propaganda against Islam and prove the need that no religion should be dubbed as ”vice’ as no religion teaches hatred.

  1. Phase Out of Fossil Fuel and Arab Economies

The dependence of Arab economies on production and sale of fossil fuels, their GDPs have to discussed. Lack of diversification process in the Arab economies; hence, is a big challenge if they lose the easy income of selling fossil fuels. Phasing out would be a painstaking job as the world would find it difficult to replace the fossil fuel. It will also open new vestas to the Arab countries i.e. of diversifying their economies. Saudi Arabia has already started the effort by industrialization and agricultural reforms.

  1. Pragmatism vs Passion in Politics

In politics everywhere, particularly in the third world countries like Pakistan both passion and pragmatism go together. Passions are used to arouse the feelings of the masses for political support by political parties. Religion, patriotism and pride etc. are used to ignite passions of the people. All this is done to win elections. After elections comes pragmatism which too is a necessary part of politics as realities cannot be believed. This becomes evident in economic and political policies of the government both at national and international level.

  1. BRICS and Pakistan: Prospects of Recovery 

Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa (BRICS), an association for economic and political prosperity, was formed in 2009. For Pakistan, it creates interdependence among the various members  using which Pakistan can garner support to introduce reforms like democratic reforms, building strong institutions and minimizing conflict in the region that is plaguing Pakistan’s progress. Due to commonality of interests, it affords Pakistan the opportunity to iron out its differences with India regarding various outstanding issues, including Kashmir. This will allow Pakistan to concentrate on its economy which has been in doldrums over the years. In a nutshell, active engagement with the BRICS will indeed offer Pakistan opportunities such as economic recovery and development through trade, road and rail infrastructure, investment in areas such as science, technology, energy etc., and cooperation and contribution for the ultimate regional integration and stability.

  1. Artificial Intelligence: The Death of Creativity 

As AI is used in all walks of life and produces ready-made content, takes a short time to do laborious things, man has started relying on it to the extent that his own capabilities of thinking and creating new ideas have been benumbed. Take the examples of writers, poets, content-creators, graphic designers, web developers, singers, drama-writers, translators, scientists, teachers, students, scholars – all use AI to do work in this way. By not using their own intelligence, they are simply killing their creativity.

  1. Pathways to Pakistan’s Prosperity

Firstly, define prosperity as economic, social and cultural prosperity! Like many, do not limit prosperity to the economic one only! These are all interconnected and one cannot be realized without the others. It may require us to diversify our economy, develop human capital through good education, health, rule of law, democracy, justice, meritocracy etc. We need to create a social safety network that supports the needy and the less fortunate at state level. We need to prioritize our spending to improve health and education. Institutional reforms is another important step to put Pakistan on the highway to progress and prosperity. There cannot be any prosperity without justice too – that is the lesson on history. 

  1. Globalization and National Economies

This essay concerns economy and tests the knowledge of those who claim to know a thing or two about economy particularly concerning international economy, export import trades, trade barriers and tariffs. This calls on nations to be ready and work hard to be competitive or they would end up on the losing side. Threats of globalizations for the third world countries that lag behind in technology should be highlighted and practical solutions to be suggested regarding challenges of globalization and Pakistan’s economy.

10: Political Polarization: Governance and Society

Politics and polarization go hand in hand. The need that it is not at the cost of national interests. Too much of it affects every walk of nation life ranging from economy politics and cohesion of the society. A weak economy invariably hits the society and governance hard. It results in instability, temporary policies and lack of implementation for want of time. Suggestions may include changing the form of government, reforms in economy, judiciary etc.

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How to Pass CSS Essay / PMS Essay?

Crafting a successful CSS or PMS essay requires candidates to focus on relevance and grammatical accuracy. Whether aspiring for the CSS conducted by FPSC, PMS by PPSC or KPPSC, or other competitive exams like CCE by BSPC, SPSC, GBPSC, or AJKPSC, the ability to address the given topic comprehensively is crucial. Merely possessing strong English skills isn't sufficient; candidates must ensure their essays directly answer the posed question. Emphasizing relevance over showcasing knowledge is paramount. Additionally, maintaining grammatical correctness is equally vital, serving as the second step towards essay success.